Monday, April 21, 2014

Hello everybody!!! So Kansas weather is weird. Have I mentioned that? two days ago it got to 90 degrees as we were walking around talking to people and it snowed last night?? Don't get it, but it's an adventure. haha 

Katrina I'm glad you got my letter!!!  And Greg's off the hook because he and Ashley wrote me an awesome e-mail last week :) I'm glad you'll get to see family soon.  Where is Lindsey Durner getting married?  It seems like forever ago that she got engaged, but I'm excited for her.  Mom says you have a job?? where at? How were finals?

Dad, it was fun!  I don't think I've even seen the lambs picture yet. haha we saw sister Christensen at the Relief Society even this week (which our investigator Melanie came too :)) and she said, "I know your girls' first names" "What? how?!"  "You're dad's told me.  Also my daughter saw it on your hair brush when you spent the night."  haha I guess the secret's out ;) Sister Hartung says that she thinks I will get my visa this transfer, but I'm not sure about that.  I can't go until after the 26th at least because Sherrie Boyke is getting baptized on the 26th and confirmed on the 27th!  What a golden lady she is.  I'm glad Kris is doing a little better.  I really hope he'll be able to have some independence.  Conference really went by fast, so you're normal dad! haha well maybe more of a neutral person who's not in gear.  Bahahah!  I'm glad you and mom will get to see the grandkids and everybody up in Idaho :)

So mom, the Elder Davenport has an unknown first name :/  The older man we talked to didn't know it.  All I saw was a black and white photo of him.  He was really tall and had dark hair and a hat, but that's not much of a description to go off of. I don't know what Grandpa's siblings or cousins look like so I have no idea.  We've caught 5 mice so far and haven't had any more the last few days, so we're hoping that's it and that they haven't just moved outside since the weather's nicer.  Does Adam have another test coming up here pretty quick? I CANNOT believe that Ethan will be 1 already! sheesh!  Good thing you'll catch them before they go.  What is the day that Geniel reports to the MTC? Priesthood power is truly amazing.  I have felt that too as you shared your experience of finally being able to rest after your car accident, and also after your stroke when the noise in your head finally hushed.  The blessing I received from President Bitnof before I left have lasted as I continue to act in faith upon the things that were said.   (Thanks to Katrina for writing them down for me!) We talked with a lady named Julie who is less-active, and she asked us why we need to be sealed as families when we're judged as individuals.  As I answered I thought of it in a way I hadn't before.  The sealing seals us to our Heavenly Father.  As we are sealed to our parents, who are sealed to their parents, and cousins and siblings sealed to their spouses, and their spouses to their own families... it creates a whole network of strength, of power, and love :)  What a joyful experience!  Also, the package arrived today :) I know just who to give the book to as well!  THank you thank you! my companion and I will enjoy it very much :)

So some more AMAZING miracles from this week.  We had a lesson with Sherrie and DJ together :) Brother and Sister Goodrick came.  We talked to them about the Word of Wisdom.  The spirit was so strong. As we all taught, questioned, and discussed the topic, she agreed to live it.  DJ did as well and picked his own baptismal date for the 6th of June when he turns 18 :) It also gives him the chance to stop smoking. Sherrie admitted that she felt warmed up by the spirit and it was cool to see her desire to keep that feeling.  She's really working toward her baptism next saturday.  She came to church with Ashley this Sunday for sacrament meeting (she had an appointment to get to after) and it was a little crazy trying to keep Ashley's daughter occupied, but Sherrie said she really enjoyed it.  The Elders gave them a tour before church too :)  Sherrie and DJ are incredibly golden.  I can't say i've really done anything besides hand them the pamphlets and a Book of Mormon.  What an amazing experience that I am humbled to be a part of.  That was on Friday.

That day, we also talked with Melanie and Raymond.  I'm not quite sure how much they are taking in, but we're going to their house tomorrow to clean things up :)  Wednesday was SUPERB!  After we had done all of our weekly planning we hit the streets and literally talked to everyone we saw.  The Lord truly gave us strength and guidance. we found two new investigators by knocking on a random door, and a couple potentials.  For instance, a lady named Robin was outside trying to figure out how to work her new grill.  She was in her back yard and we were on the street and there was a big old ditch in between.  We asked her how things were, she seemed pretty friendly, so we asked if we could come over to talk with her a little more, which she accepted!  Wow and she took a Book of Mormon :) 

Sunday after church we went to find some less-actives in the Topeka area.  All them had moved, but one of the ladies who was living there instead invited us in.  We were able to share the whole first lesson and first vision and everything! She said she feels it's true and invited us back for Thursday after Zone Conference.  What incredible experiences!!  I feel so incredibly blessed.  I truly love being out here and I'm totally fine that I haven't gone to Brazil yet.  It'll happen when it needs to :)   I KNOW that the Holy Spirit is our guide.  He doesn't tell us everything to say or do, but as we go and do what we already know we should, Christ is there walking beside us and touching hearts and teaching to their understanding in ways that we never could.  

I love you all and hope you have a wonderful week and a happy Easter!!!!!

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